How can one create a place for art and culture that isn’t just another institutionalized space for enjoyable, easy digestible and good selling art?Kunsthalle Bozen believes in the political and social relevant power of art and wants to give a place to this energy where it can conjoin, show, organize and create new formations.
Art DirectorCornelia Lochmann► Contact
Placing emphasis on a constantly growing yet spontaneous and dynamic program we want to search and promote a direct dialogue with the people around us through formats like open tours, regular artist talks, presentations and a versatile educational program. As a sort of art laboratory we see ourselves at the beginning of an exciting growth process in Bozen, that allows to think things in new and different ways.
In single and group exhibitions we want to contemplate what it means to be radical in a time where art is part of the capitalist economic system. Through conversations we would like to discuss what it means to work on the periphery and how central the location of Bozen is for the freedom we would like to use.
Construction,Berlin Bozen Connection I,May 2015
Exhibition View,Berlin Bozen Connection I,May 2015
«Some place to which we can come, and for a while be free to think about what we are going to do.»
Robert Barry, Sentence on the entrance wall of an exhibition
We believe that art can be a space of debate where society is confronted with itself and its history. Our intention is not to generate established knowledge but to share, pose questions and try to find answers together. We perceive Kunsthalle Bozen as a space of possibilities that not only views the city itself as bi-cultural space, as meeting point between german and italian speaking cultural regions, but apart from that also has an international claim by showing local and international artistic positions.
An extensive residency program aims to enable artists from everywhere to create complex exhibition projects on site that exceed and question common formats and parameters of art production and presentation.
Kunsthalle Bozen understands itself as an alternative to conventional institutions and traditional spaces of art presentation. In an extensive program we pursue questions of political and cultural relevance and urgency and negotiate them in a close dialogue with the visitors on site. We believe that contemporary art can raise questions that provoke and inspire, and view ourselves as a forum of extended examinations of current developments, whether they take place in art, political life or the social realm.
On the basis of experimental formats and new work forms we want to encourage and expand a discussion that stands in direct relation to the city, its history and the people who live there. Designed as an open community project we want to strengthen artistic positions that are placed outside or in critical relation to an art market that leaves less and less freedom.
Berlin Bozen Connection I,May 2015
In collaboration with
With the support of